"I loved this book. I loved the back story of how the author chose to write about one of the most influential musicians of all time. I loved that it took her 9 years to write it, only because of the depth and intimacy she shares within her relationship with Mercedes Sosa, even though she had passed by the time the author started writing. I loved the way she describes her healing process and how she transformed through her odd yet charming path to becoming whole. Highly recommend." Peggy Lee Sprague
"Well researched with a lot of history and background, most of it new to me. I liked the connection between the author and Mercedes and how her music touched her deeply. It was an intriguing journey and the book was an entertaining read."
Suzy Kelly
"This book proves that true stories can be much more powerful than fiction. Both historical and inspirational this book is a must to read."
"An uplifting tale of overcoming all odds."
Roza Gaston
"The first section was well-narrated and summarized. The second section was personal and powerful ."
Yeo Chuen Chuen
"What an incredible story! I Was absolutely blown away. This book is amazingly powerful and moving. I need to read more biographies like this, it's such much more inspiring and fascinating than fiction!"
E. Sizmarick
"I can't remember having read a book that released as many tears as this one and I am a "hardcore businessman. I will certainly buy more copies of the book for my friends in the near future. I have become a Mercedes Sosa convert!" Johs Lund Larsen
"The introduction to Mercedes Sosa, for those who never knew of her, is enthralling and the author’s story of how her connection with Mercedes reinvigorated her life is captivating and urges the reader to learn more. The author does more than just entertain the reader or spark the reader’s interest. She spreads hope and knowledge."
David Larkin, Journalist & Editor
You are incredible! I can't believe you're Danish, researched an Argentine woman using primarily Spanish sources, and published your book in English. Congratulations are in order for your incredible achievement!
Chris Childers, Auditor - Sirius XM Radio
"I'm bowled over on a personal level, as a reader, and as a reviewer. I found part one very authentic, informative and moving but part two has left me gasping. A lot of what is written resonated with me so I couldn't put the book down till I finished it!" Barbara Webb, Author & Book-reviewer
"Incredibly well-written. The author dares to write in present tense, which many authors fail to do correctly, but here Christensen is masterful. I think this tense choice was wise because it pulls the reader into the two parallel stories. If you are looking for a unique take on the journey to inner healing, this book will not disappoint you. I also love that the author included Sosa's family in the process of telling these compelling stories."
"The author's personal experience in part two was a huge inspiration for me. The way the author guided by intuition comforted and nurtured her inner child by connecting with Mercedes Sosa as a mother figure is so beautiful, genuine and authentic. That it is all backed up with balanced scientific explanations makes it very trustworthy."
L.B.N. Nurse
"Mercedes Sosa – The Voice of Hope is something special. Honoring the life of Mercedes and a wonderful story of personal healing. I love it and I hope millions of people discover it and buy it!"
Sandy Fabrin, Therapist
"I devoured every single word because I found a part of myself in it. I felt connected to the author and what the author has been through. I believe that her story speaks out for each one of us."
Hermione Bloom, Journalist
"Reading this wonderful book brought me so much joy and I am thankful to Christensen for her dedication to this biography of Sosa and the additional exploration of what this Mother-of-all can teach us for our own lives. Sosa truly has a voice of hope and this book keeps her memory alive in the most beautiful way. With love, there is always hope for healing and that is a lesson I am grateful to have had reiterated in this deeply moving book."
A. Vogel
"This a history lesson, a tribute to a artistic humanist, and a touching memoir all in one. The author's writing style is easing and engaging. There were times it was hard to put the book down. An excellent and inspiration account of a historical period and a personal triumphant journey. "
Janice E. Ellis
Mercedes Sosa - The Voice of Hope is a history lesson, a touching tribute, and a triumphant memoir all in one. It shows the power of art to transcend cultural differences and to unite us in what is most human.
The first part of the book chronicles Sosa's spiritual, political, and artistic journey and offers a psychological profile that displays insights into the artist’s character and actions. Danish author, Anette Christensen paints a portrait that incorporates the colors of despair, triumph, love, fear, and all the other human emotions that define a life, - in this case, the life of one of the greatest contemporary artists in Latin America.
In the second part Christensen captures the restorative impact of compassion and affection and frames the understanding of how connecting with Sosa and Sosa’s music helped her overcome her own illness and emotional traumas. It is a brave offering from Christensen, authentic and at times vulnerable.
"Two women, two continents, two stories:
a legacy whispered across oceans, changing everything."
“In this work, you will find a new and touching perspective on our beloved Mercedes. It is a heartfelt and affectionate tribute honoring the life of my mother. Thank you, Anette, for all your efforts in the name of the Mercedes Sosa Foundation.”
Fabián Matus, son of Mercedes Sosa and president of The Mercedes Sosa Foundation.
The Argentine folk singer, Mercedes Sosa, was a world-class performer, whose influence went far beyond the borders of music. Nicknamed, “The Voice of the Voiceless”, Sosa was a dynamic force in shaping Latin America by transmitting the strength and fire needed for cultural and personal change.
Today, Sosa’s life stands as a testimony to the heroic power of one's individual voice to make a meaningful difference in human affairs. She was an artist who transformed personal suffering into art and activism for a more emphatic and compassionate world. Her life is an inspiration to us all in the stormy times we live.
Mercedes Sosa – More than a Song explores the secret behind Sosa’s remarkable impact and reveals how her upbringing, political circumstances and personal tragedies formed her life and her career.
More Than a Song
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Anette Christensen's book, Mercedes Sosa - The Voice of Hope: My Life-transforming Encounter, is both biography and personal memoir. She chronicles Sosa's spiritual, political and artistic journey in the first half of the book. Christensen writes in the present-tense, which gives it an immediacy that's not only powerful and gripping, but it helps to bring this remarkable woman to life. The writing itself is clear, unpretentious and often eloquent, much like Sosa's music. There are times when the author's voice and creativity blends with the material, which is often the case in good historical writing. It's impossible for a biographer to know for sure what a subject is thinking, for example, but in using good research together with a well-honed instinct and empathy, delivering those thoughts to the reader can be a transcendent as well as informative experience. Christensen manages this beautifully, and paints a portrait that incorporates the colors of despair, triumph, love, fear, and all the other human emotions that define a life--in this case, the life of one of the greatest contemporary artistic revolutionaries in Latin America.
In the second half of the book, Ms. Christensen explores, in memoir fashion, her own life, and how her discovery of Sosa's music and life became a catalyst for change and growth in her own. She's careful to use enough detail to make her generalizations solid, and she doesn't shy away from uncomfortable truths about her own life. Her journey through neuroscience and other contemporary approaches to spiritual growth such as mindfulness, is interesting and informative. If I had to choose one thing I regretted, and wish she had addressed more fully, it would be how Sosa affected her own stance toward political things. Make no mistake about it, politics was at the center of Sosa's life, for politics is the science of human relationships. Sosa was a political revolutionary, which is a dangerous thing to be in this world, even in places and times where fascism and repressive politics are underground or waiting for the first chance to rear their ugly heads. -
This is a beautiful book, and I hope it gets the attention it deserves. The fact that English is a second language for the author is remarkable, in and of itself.
Charles Musser, film historian, documentary maker, author and professor of Film and Media Studies
“The Author’s profound connection with Mercedes Sosa and subsequent transformation is a testament of the restoring im-pact of positive connections. The author does more than just entertain the reader or spark the reader's interest. She spreads hope and knowledge.”
Pauline Skeates, Therapist, Director of Insight-International and Developer of Insight Focused Therapy, New Zealand
“If Mercedes had embraced you, you’d never forget it. She had the ability to embrace people like no one else in the world; one always had the feeling of being embraced by Mother Earth herself. She took all of us in her arms with her voice, with this unequaled bel canto voice, which was always a pure expres-sion of her soul. There was never anything artificial about this wonderful woman, this brave woman, this icon of courageous resistance to military dictatorship. For me, she radiated the most important thing that makes a great human being: kindness."
Konstantin Wecker, singer and poet, Germany
From the first page, I was moved and amazed by how Aunt Mercedes manages to travel through time and distance and generate admiration and commitment in Anette to tell the story of who Mercedes really was and make her visible to the reader. In these times where art is as fleeting as life itself, that is quite a challenge.
Those looking for more than passing entertainment should turn to and read this book knowing that it is well-founded and professionally written with an honest and sincere heart. Anette's goal was to capture Mercedes' life as an artist and as a person and Anette's mission has been accomplished. She nailed it!
Coqui Sosa, Singer, Author, Cultural Ambassador of Tucuman, Argentina
The Voice of Hope
@2017-2023 Anette Christensen
From her humble beginnings to her rise as a revered figure, this biography encapsulates the essence of Mercedes Sosa's legacy, providing an intimate understanding of her transformative personality. Discover the untold story of the Latin American icon who inspired generations. A true story about the power of love and connection. Get your copy today and join us in celebrating the life and music of Mercedes Sosa, one of the most iconic figures in Latin American music!